Dominican Republic Cigars Brand Identity
Services Rendered
- Logo Design
- Brand Identity
- Positioning Strategy
- Cigar Label Design
- Humidor Design
- Package Design
- Final Source Files
- Brand Style Guide
Santa Domenica cigars are made with high-quality tobacco. Thanks to their tobacco suppliers from the Dominican Republic, Brazil, Nicaragua, Ecuador Cuba, they can assure the finest quality cigars with exquisite taste and smooth draw.
Santa Domenica cigars can please even the most demanding smoker’s palate, providing them with a memorable experience with each puff. To bring that premium luxury and high quality to life, SDP came to Spellbrand to create a brand strategy and stunning branding and visual language.
To begin, Spellbrand conducted in-depth research on the cigar industry. Through this research, the agency discovered that premium cigars and cigar smoking, in general, were seen as a luxury activity and a sign of culture, sophistication, and gentleness.
With this understanding, Spellbrand created a brand story and positioning strategy to emphasize these attributes and set Santa Domenica cigars apart from its competitors.
To achieve this, the agency used the 5 pillar brand strategy framework, which included the following:
- Purpose: Spellbrand worked with the client to define the brand’s purpose. For Santa Domenica cigars, the purpose was to provide a premium cigar experience for the discerning smoker and to be the go-to brand for those looking for a luxurious and high-quality cigar.
- Values: Spellbrand defined the brand’s values as luxury, quality, and refinement. These values were used to guide all decisions related to the brand, from the packaging to the website design.
- Personality: The agency developed a brand personality that was sophisticated, refined, and approachable. This personality was reflected in the visual identity and language used in all brand communications.
- Positioning: Spellbrand positioned Santa Domenica cigars as the go-to brand for discerning smokers looking for a premium cigar experience. This positioning was reflected in the brand story and messaging.
- Promise: The agency created a brand promise that Santa Domenica cigars would provide a premium cigar experience with exquisite taste and a smooth draw.
With these pillars in place, Spellbrand created a visual identity to bring the brand story and positioning to life. The agency designed a heraldic emblem primary logo that managed to look modern and elegant at the same time.
This primary logo design was then used to create secondary logo icons and designs for a cigar label, humidor, and box design. The agency also created a series of gift boxes and limited edition cigar boxes for special releases.
The brand’s official pattern, looked luxurious. Printing on a satin inset took the packaging to the next level.
We also built a beautiful e-commerce website that featured a stunning design, beautiful layout, and high-quality photos and colors to lift the cigar brand to the stratosphere. With a robust commerce store built in, the client was set to take on the cigar world.
In addition to the visual identity, Spellbrand also worked on developing a comprehensive communications strategy for Santa Domenica cigars. This included creating a messaging platform aligned with the brand’s purpose, values, and positioning and developing communications tactics such as advertising, public relations, and content marketing.
One key aspect of the communications strategy was to position Santa Domenica cigars as a premium cigar brand that is not just for special occasions but for everyday enjoyment.
To achieve this, the agency created a series of print and digital advertisements featuring the cigars enjoyed in various settings, such as in the office, at home, and on vacation.
Another critical aspect of the communications strategy was to build relationships with influencers and media outlets in the cigar industry. Spellbrand identified key influencers and media outlets and worked with them to create content that would showcase Santa Domenica cigars in a positive light and reach a wider audience.
The agency also developed a content marketing strategy that included creating blog posts, videos, and social media posts to educate and inform consumers about the brand, the cigars, and the cigar-smoking experience. This content was designed to appeal to new and experienced cigar smokers and to position Santa Domenica cigars as a go-to brand for those looking for a premium cigar experience.
To track the effectiveness of the brand strategy, Spellbrand established key performance indicators (KPIs) such as website traffic, social media engagement, and sales. The agency could make data-driven decisions and adjust the strategy as needed by monitoring these KPIs.
Spellbrand’s brand strategy and visual identity for Santa Domenica cigars were hugely successful. The brand was positioned as a premium cigar brand that is not just for special occasions but for everyday enjoyment. The communications strategy helped to reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.
The e-commerce website was unmatched in the small cigar retail sector and the overall design work was creative and stunning. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Spellbrand team, Santa Domenica cigars was able to establish itself as a leading player in the premium cigar market.
As a result of the brand strategy and visual identity developed by Spellbrand, Santa Domenica cigars saw a significant increase in sales and brand awareness. The e-commerce website was a key factor in this success. It allowed the brand to reach a wider audience and sell cigars directly to consumers. The website’s design was unmatched in the small cigar retail sector, providing customers a seamless and enjoyable shopping experience.
The communications strategy also played a critical role in the brand’s success. By positioning Santa Domenica cigars as a premium cigar brand that is not just for special occasions but for everyday enjoyment, the agency was able to appeal to a wider audience, including new and experienced cigar smokers. The relationships built with influencers and cigar industry media outlets helped increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.
The content marketing strategy also informed consumers about the brand, cigars, and cigar-smoking experience. By creating engaging and informative content, Spellbrand established Santa Domenica cigars as a go-to brand for those looking for a premium cigar experience.
As a result of the brand strategy and visual identity developed by Spellbrand, Santa Domenica cigars was able to establish itself as a leading player in the premium cigar market. The brand was positioned as a premium luxury brand, and the design work was creative and elegant. The communications and content marketing strategy helped to increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.
Overall, Spellbrand’s brand strategy and visual identity for Santa Domenica cigars were hugely successful. The agency effectively captured the brand’s premium luxury and high quality and set it apart from its competitors.
The e-commerce website was unmatched in the small cigar retail sector, and the overall design work was creative and stunning. Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the Spellbrand team, Santa Domenica cigars was able to establish itself as a leading player in the premium cigar market and continue to grow.