Fruit5 Smoothie Logo & Branding
London, UK
Services Rendered
- Logo Design
- Brand Identity
- Positioning Strategy
- Icon Design
- Package Design
- Final Source Files
- Brand Style Guide
Fruit5 is a company that makes smoothies sold in supermarkets, coffee shops and various other outlets.
Challenge: Create and launch a disruptive smoothie into the UK market initially and then roll it out internationally. This included coming up with a brand strategy and visual branding.

Brand Solution: Fruit5 is a company that makes smoothies sold in supermarkets, coffee shops, and various other outlets. Based on the concept of “5 A Day” which is any of various national campaigns in countries such as the USA, the United Kingdom, and Germany, to encourage the consumption of at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day.
The Fruit5 smoothies are made of 100% natural and organic ingredients that are grown and sourced locally. With no artificial flavors, preservatives, or additives, the Fruit5 smoothies are healthy alternatives to most smoothies found in the market.
The brand strategy involved creating awareness of the 100% natural and locally sourced ingredients that form the core of the brand. To support that strategy, the visual language had to be bold, simple, and iconic. To facilitate this, we created an iconic logo that looks like it is made from the peels of the fruit. This gives it a very fresh and natural look and feel. We also created a series of secondary icons that would be used on the various flavors of smoothies with simple iconic fruit symbols and color codes.